If a massage therapy treatment is compared to a buffet meal, Reiki would be the ice cream Sunday dessert. It is a complimentary technique that is most versatile and beneficial.
Discussing energy in its simplest form is important when seeking to understand Reiki.
Everywhere we look there are examples of energy; when we go for a walk, a busy mall full of stressed out, hurried shoppers, a toddler bouncing about at a birthday party, a little shock from touching a television screen, and on and on. These forms of energy are obvious.
More subtle forms of energy exist around us as well. We are comprised of trillions of cells, and in each of those cells, many things are happening all at once, then all over again, continuously. Even when we are still, there is movement. There is a life force, an energy.
If someone's energy is low, then they are more likely to get sick or feel stressed. Reiki is a fantastic modality to combat these common occurrences.
In Japanese, rei means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and ki means "life force energy". It is practiced by the laying on of hands and is based on the idea that the unseen life force is a powerful and natural tool for healing and self-improvement.
Benefits of Reiki are similar to those of massage; it Induces relaxation, develops inner peace and self awareness, reduces stress, sooths anxiety, increases energy and a sense of well being. In addition to these, help shorten recovery time after surgery, and help cultivate compassion for all living things. Reiki compliments all other therapies as it is gentle and non invasive.
Reiki is not a religion. It does not hold any religious creed or doctrine to any one religious background or denomination. It can be practiced and experienced by anyone regardless of their religious orientation without conflict to their faith. It is however important for the client to feel comfortable receiving the treatment. A great web site further hammering out these details can be found at www.christianreiki.org .
Reiki is already used in our everyday lives, when we hug a loved one or kiss a child’s sore spot, when we place our hands on our chest in disbelief or awe, when we hold our head when it aches. When applied during a treatment setting, clients often experience a deep felt state of relaxation and recuperation.
There are a number of practitioners in Carleton County as well as opportunities for training in Reiki.
To learn more visit the Canadian Reiki Association at www.reiki.ca .
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